Wednesday, December 27, 2006

More Internet Dating Fun!

I got this message tonight from a guy I have never heard from before. It starts out good and then it gets really strange:

I must say ... that you are a prettiest 47 year old that I have seen in a long time ... and a smile to die for ... I want to give you a present ... for I just feel your energy .... Have you read the books... "Conversation with GOD, Book I, II, II, Friendship with God and Communion with God" Written by Niele Doland Walsch. If you have ... GREAT!!!! then, you are a DYNAMO beyond ... if not ... I think, you shuld give it a try ... I think you will love the gift ... Have a good evening, Best regards, Michael
This was my response to this weirdo:

I have a problem when anyone tells me I "should" do something ... especially when they can't even spell the word right.


Show Me The Money!

Remember when I asked you a week or so ago to click on the grey Google AdSense window at the top of my blog? I also mentioned that I would be donating the money to charity. I couldn't decide which charity I wanted to support since my blog readers are a very international crowd.

Then someone sent me a link to and a plan started forming in my head. Why donate the money only once when I could loan the money, over and over again, to help more than one project in different parts of the world? It's a great idea and the money will keep working to help others.

However, the total in my account has to get to $100US before Google will pay out so keep clicking!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Elf Off!

Apparently, I have too much time on my hands.

Click Here

Sunday, December 24, 2006

I'm Dreaming ...

... of a green Christmas! And it looks like my dream came true. There's no snow or slush, no ice or freezing temps. Just gorgeous sunshine today and more expected tomorrow. For someone who hasn't experienced a Canadian winter in three years, I've been truly blessed so far with relatively mild temps and not much precipitation. Certainly no white stuff has accumulated under my boots. In fact, I haven't had to wear my ugly winter boots at all!

I've done all my Christmas shopping, for me. Everything seems to be on sale for 50% off or more. I think I went a little bit overboard and will have to add up the receipts before deciding what I need to take back to the store. I did buy some new leather gloves for under $20 so I'll be keeping them. And I found a red velvet top for 80% off yesterday which came out to $9.20 with the discount. There are some unbelievable bargains out there!

I'm off to CFB Borden tomorrow for Xmas. My Dad and I are heading up to spend the day with friends in Angus, Ontario. A turkey dinner with all the trimmings awaits us, as well as Jo-Anne, her husband, their three kids and her parents, who are visiting from Nova Scotia. I'm really looking forward to it! Even though the kids are getting older, they are still a lot of fun to be around, especially during the holidays. That's what it's all about.

So, what are you doing for the holidays? Whatever it is and wherever it takes you, I hope your day is filled with laughter and love. All the best to you and yours!

Juliana xo

Xmas Palm Tree!

Check out this tree my friends David and Nancy put up for Xmas! Very cool ...

Monday, December 18, 2006

What He Said

Why does Christmas remain so popular when it is such an asinine and antiquated celebration? I mean, can you imagine if they invented it for the first time this year? 'Let's have a big festival, where everybody spends more than they can afford on gifts that nobody wants. Then, they can all pretend to be grateful whilst stuffing themselves with platefuls of unhealthy food.' It would never catch on. There are other things, too, that we do out of habit and obligation. And we can at least recognise and avoid some of these. If you want this to be a great week, honour what you feel, not what you feel you ought to feel.

Jonathan Cainer ~ For Librans, the week of December 18, 2006 (

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Use Your Mouse!

See the "Ads By Google" grey space at the top of my blog? If you click it, you will be directed to another webpage. Doesn't cost you anything and a few cents gets deposited into my Google AdSense account. When the account reaches $100US, I'll be donating it to a charity (and not pocketing the money myself). So use your mouse to do some good for someone else. Thank you!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Ah HA!!!

Suddenly, it's all starting to maks sense to me! Here is my astrological forecast for Saturday, December 16, 2006:

LIBRA ~ (Sep 24 - Oct 23) Your Weekend

Later today, you will see a bright light in the sky. Gradually you will realise that it is in fact a spaceship from the planet Zarg. The aliens will land and invite you to join them as they return to a far more sensible world than this. Sadly, you will feel unable to accept their offer. This will be partly because they do not actually exist, but mainly because, despite the stupidity that surrounds you and the almost imbecilic behaviour of certain people, you are now coping surprisingly well.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

JAM The Scrooge

It’s happening. I’m getting older. It started with the new glasses and how I feel every time I go to the gym. More particularly, it is how I feel several days AFTER I’ve been to the gym. The last time I did dead-lifts, I could hardly get up from a sitting position two days later. *sigh* My insurance company just informed me that my monthly premiums are going down because I am now considered a “Mature Policyholder”. I’m glad someone thinks I’m mature.

So this whole Xmas thing is really starting to get to me. The next person who asks me if I’m “ready for the holidays” is likely to get a punch in the nose. The answer is: “NO!” I’m not ready and I never will be ready. There is nothing to get ready for. I’m not doing it anymore. I refuse. I am officially boycotting Xmas. No cards. No gifts. No Santa. No nothing. Any twinge of Xmas-ness that I felt when I saw the Swarovski Crystal tree at the Eaton Centre is gone. If you need me, I’ll be hiding under my bed until December 26.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Be Kind To The Environment

I have just read and signed the online petition here: "Packaging Regulations in Canada" hosted on the web by

I personally agree with what this petition says and I think you might agree too. If you can spare a moment, please take a look and consider signing the petition as well.

Julie Anne

More Maxine

Monday, December 04, 2006

Technology Rocks!

I remember when I got my first computer and started using email at home. That was in 1998 (I think). Now I've got a laptop, I'm using VOIP and blogging. There is so much I don't know but it's exciting to learn. Even my parents are online. We're all connected and the internet is shrinking the world. Last night, I was online with a friend in Germany, my buddy in Afghanistan and a potential date in north Toronto.

Speaking of "rock", check out this website full of live concerts from days gone by: Wolfgang's Vault.

I'm Dreaming ...

Sunday, December 03, 2006

News From Afghanistan

My friend "Joe" called me from Afghanistan again yesterday. It took him three tries to get through on the satellite phone before we were actually able to have a conversation. I haven't heard from him since he was in India in October. When I asked him how his leave went, he said that he ate and slept a lot, and spent time with his family and a girlfriend who came from Canada to see him. He is still out in the field, in the desert somewhere, with the Taliban close by. They are getting hot, fresh food once a week now (steaks and hamburgers) and they've rigged up a shower after boiling the water in kettles. A far cry from his usual three showers a day at home but better than nothing. The weather has changed and it is winter there now. At night, the temps drop radically and it rains constantly. He said they are all sick with colds. And he's smoking again so that doesn't help. He says they all smoke. There is nothing else to do but smoke and wait ...

He said they are getting pretty complacent when the bombs go off. His sargeant will ask, "Was that one of ours or one of theirs?" As we were talking, there was a huge ROAR and I could hear his belly laugh through the phone. He said a Tornado had just flown by, about 500 metres over his head and dropped some flares about a kilometre away. It was "just f***ing beautiful Jewels!" He told me that an A10 Thunderbolt flew over so low the other day, they could see the pilot giving them the peace sign and the Taliban "The Finger". LOL All in all, he sounds good - healthy and happy but anxious to get home. He says they all feel that this "war" cannot be won. But, for the most part, morale is good and the conditions are better in some respects (fresh food and showers) and bad in others (rain and cold). Although he assures me that the colder temps will work to our advantage because we're Canadian and we're "used" to it.

I should blog something ...

I should blog something. So many thoughts run through my mind on a daily basis. If I tried to put them all down, I would surely scare the crap out of my readers. I guess I could start with something innocuous tonight, like the weather. Normally I hate November. It's usually grey and cold and miserable. But this November was unseasonably warm in Southwestern Ontario and after two months of what seemed like no sun, November was a welcome relief! However, effective December 1, everything changed. A cold front moved in and my feet haven't been warm since. I am seriously looking for a boyfriend now. *grin*

I went to The Eaton Centre today to look around and they have this huge Xmas tree in the middle of the mall that is actually quite spectacular! It is a huge cone, stuffed with boughs of real spruce and Swarovski crystals in the form of snowflakes and other glittering decorations. I will have to go back with my camera because I can't seem to find a photo of it online. I actually had to stop and stare at it today, it was that amazing. If you get a chance, go take a look. It even managed to infuse a bit of Xmas spirit in me, for a moment, and then it was gone. Those of you who know me well, know I don't "do" Xmas. It is way too commercial for my taste.
If you want to give me anything, give me the gift of your time.