Monday, March 27, 2006

Dating Blunder: Using Coupons On A First Date

NEW YORK (Wireless Flash) -- Dating experts agree: Using a coupon for a two-for-one meal on a first date is a surefire romance killer.

In the words of dating expert Laurie Graff, author of the upcoming book "Looking for Mr. Goodfrog" (Red Dress Ink), "Not the first time."

She says if you use a coupon early on, "You send a message about your finances."

There are exceptions. Graff knows of one guy who won a restaurant gift certificate in an auction who used it on a first date because he told his date, "I never would have bid on this thing if I didn't know I had you to take."

Meanwhile, love advice expert David Coleman, who calls himself the Dating Doctor, says a "two-fer" is a bad move on a first date, although there are ways around it.

He says it could be an ice breaker if you say, "Hey I have this coupon, would you like to use it together?"

After that, he says the Entertainment Guide can be an incentive to plan future dates.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a date do this once. The worse part was when the waiter took our order, the date told the waiter "we" didn't want anything to drink. I told him I did want something to drink. Then he left his coupon book in my car. I had my mother give it to him.