Saturday, April 26, 2008

Putting Myself Out There

I've never been afraid to give my opinion, in writing or when asked personally. With the invention of the internet (yes, I'm that old that I can say the internet was "invented" during my lifetime), I have joined a number of forums or online bulletin boards, most which deal with Puerto Vallarta. I met my good friend Colleen on a PV forum way back in 2002 -- I was going on my first solo trip and was looking to hang out with some other single women. She responded to my post and we've been great friends ever since. In fact, I've met a lot of really wonderful people through the internets.

Unfortunately, when you go "public" with your point of view, anyone with a keyboard can take a metaphorical swing at you. That's the risk you take but, as I often say, life without risk isn't really living. I always use my real name and post my email address. I figure if anyone has a beef with something I've written, they can contact me directly. Unfortunately, postings on the internet can easily be misinterpreted (smiley faces can't always save the day!) and feelings get hurt. I've learned that people's interpretations can be grossly different, even with respect to the most simple and inane topics. And writing a blog puts you at risk of anyone taking offence to something you've written.

Oh well!

I received quite a few mean-spirited comments on this blog and the other one I wrote when I lived in Vallarta. Usually by some asshole named "Anonymous" who is big on providing their negative, defamatory opinion but not big enough to sign their name and take responsibility for it. Cowards. Thankfully, the positive feedback usually outnumbers the bad by 100 to 1 which just goes to show you -- if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. LOL


Here is a recent photo of me taken with a huge glass of red wine. Someone remarked that it looked like I was holding a huge knife in my hand (apparently the sleeve of the waiter behind me looks like a butcher's blade).

Whatever ... people see what they want to see.


Last weekend, the TTC gave the City of Toronto notice that they were going out on strike on Monday April 21st. Bastards. I think that we should all boycott them for a few days and see how they like when WE go on strike!

Actually, in preparation for the strike last Monday, Rob and I decided to try walking to work. I had no idea how long it would take us but I figured less than an hour. We had a whole week of beautiful weather in which to try our test.

Monday was gorgeous -- mild and sunny. We got up at 6:30AM (instead of the usual 6AM when we used to go the gym) and left the house at 7:30AM, wearing our running shoes with our business attire (not a nice look).

I wore a cotton top because I knew I would be glowing by the time I reached my destination. My Beloved spent most of his formative years in Yorkshire so he LOVES to walk. I had a difficult time keeping up with him!

We walked straight down Yonge Street. There wasn't a lot of traffic and not too many people on the sidewalks. We stayed on the east side of the street, out of the sun. There was a slight breeze. It was quite pleasant! The walk took 45 minutes.

Thankfully, the walk downtown is mostly downhill so it was a relatively easy walk. By the end of the week, I was quite used to it and my legs weren't shaking so much any more. I invested the $10+ I saved in TTC fare to buy a lottery ticket.

If I win, I will never have to take the TTC again!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why I Don't Post ...

I know I don't post much any more and that bothers me sometimes. My new job is so incredibly busy, I barely have time to check my personal email, let alone blog. My new relationship also keeps me incredibly busy. Rob and I share an online calendar together so that we can keep all of our social and business engagements organized. We are now booking weekend in JUNE which, when I think about it, is absolutely ridiculous.

But we're very happy together and we love keeping busy. We still find the odd evening to sit at home and do "nothing" -- after dinner is made, eaten, the kitchen is cleaned up, the laundry and ironing are done, the personal phone calls and emails are returned, we occasionally find time to catch one of our favourite shows on TV -- like Dancing With The Stars (we can thank my Mom, the former ballroom dancer, for getting us hooked on that one!) and CSI.

Life is good! :) More to come ...