You may have noticed that I am not a traditional bride. :)
When I was a little girl, I never dreamed of having a big wedding with a white dress and sugar coated cake. I dreamed of writing the great Canadian novel, of travelling to faraway lands and doing things that only boys were supposed to do. Although some of you might not believe this, I wasn’t always a “girly girl”; I was a bit of a tomboy growing up. I know, I know – it’s hard to believe with these heels, right?
It is so gratifying to have my family with me here today, to witness my and Rob’s happiness. They loved him and accepted him from the very start. Frankly, I think my Mom is thrilled that I found someone after all these years. When we called her to tell her about the engagement, I told her she had to go buy a new outfit, something she’s been threatening to do since our third date! And Dad, you can stop worrying about me now, if that is in any way possible for a father like you to do. My brother Greg, thanks so much for being here and sharing in this joy with me. Looks like 2007 was a great year for both of us in the love department! :)
My godparents, Marg and Peter, are here, as well as my favourite aunt, Carmen, and my uncle Steve, who was more like a big brother to me and Greg when we were growing up. Thank you all so much for coming. It means so much to me to have you here.
And I have gained a new sister today! As you may know, Rob’s sister Jane came all the way from South Africa to attend the wedding and I want to take this opportunity to thank her for making that long trip. Jane, your presence here as the Morris family representative means a great deal to both of us.
By now, you have all seen my gorgeous Maid of Honour, Mary Ann. I’ve known this woman since Grade 4 and I sometimes think she knows me better than I know myself. . We have passed through so many of life’s milestones together – I never had any doubt that she would be the one standing beside me today. Thank you, my dear friend, for being here for me – today and always.
I’ve often said that I measure the richness of my life by the quality of my friends so, as you can see, I am a VERY wealthy woman.
Some of my friends have been a part of my life for more than 20 years. Some are newer friends but no less precious. The fact that you are here with me today fills my heart to bursting. Thank you all so much for your friendship and love over the years.
I also want to acknowledge and thank all of Lynn’s friends who have accepted me as Rob’s new wife and allowed me to share in your tender memories of her. Your love and support will go a long way in ensuring the success of our marriage.
Finally, there’s my Rob -- a “Man of Action” if ever there was one. I’ve been calling him that since our first date when he told me I should sell my condo, move in and marry him. He denies he ever said such a thing but I will never forget it. I didn’t know what to think of him. He was very persistent and seemed sure of everything, including me. We came into this relationship with very different lifestyles and I fought him every step of the way. But he wore me down with his tenderness, his zany sense of humour, his generous spirit and his unshakeable love for me. I didn’t stand a chance.
And look what happened today! OMG! I’m married!!! I can barely believe it myself sometimes. Rob, I love you and I’m looking forwarding to sharing the next 40 or 50 years with you. *wink*
Thank you everyone for sharing this wonderful day with us!