Thursday, August 10, 2006

A Worthy Cause

I don't usually ask people for money but this is a very worthy cause. I sponsored myself for $20 and I encourage you to match that amount, if possible. However, please feel free to donate as little as $5 or $10. Every little bit helps! And thank you very much for your pledge.


The Ride for Diabetes Research is a highly successful fundraising event for diabetes research in Canada thanks to people like you who are supporting our participants by making a pledge donation. By pledging me, your money will be going towards finding a cure for this disease by funding some of the most progressive research in the world, with some of the biggest breakthroughs coming from Canada.

You can pledge quickly and safely through our secure on-line pledge option. An electronic tax receipt will be e-mailed directly to you. Click on the following link to use your VISA, MasterCard or American Express.

Sponsor Me Here

For more information about the Ride for Diabetes Research and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, please visit Again, thank you for your support.

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