Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Hot, Hot, HOT!!!

I remember last summer in Mexico and living in hot temps with high humidity for months on end. I also remember thinking that the summers in Canada were much more pleasant and I couldn't wait to get home to one. Well ... today we reached 35C in Toronto and, with the humidex (an odious Canadian invention, by the way), it felt like 47C on the skin. For all my American readers, that's 116.6F or HOT!!!

Last night apparently was the hottest night on record in Toronto. I slept with the window open, the fan OFF, wore pjs and slept under a sheet and comforter. I guess I'm still acclimated to down south. I wouldn't mind my blood thickening a bit before the fall and winter get here. Thank the Goddess I still have all my cold weather clothing.

The AC is a mixed blessing. I have it on now (5:45PM) because this is, in my opinion, the hottest part of the day, but I will turn it off before bed and open my window once again. Unfortunately, I can't do anything about it at work and am constantly complaining about the cold. I seem to have a constant scratchy throat from it. The weather will break soon, I hope.

We have another long weekend coming up and, other than Caribana, which I have no intention of attending, there isn't a lot going on around town. I might take a couple of day trips to outlying areas for a change of scenery or try to catch a movie. What do you have planned for this weekend? Whatever you do, stay cool and well hydrated. Dehydration is a very serious condition and it kind of sneaks up on you without warning. Take care and be careful.

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