Monday, May 29, 2006

I Met A Canadian Olympian Today

The firm I work for believes in giving back to the community and, as a result, they support a number of charities. One of them is the Juvenile Diabetes and another is the United Way. We also support a Canadian Olympian, Clara Hughes. Clara is a world class cyclist AND speedskater. In fact, she is the first Canadian Olympian in history (and only the fourth athlete ever) to win medals in both the Winter AND Summer Games.

She is truly a remarkable woman, an incredible athlete and an outstanding Canadian. I had the pleasure of meeting Clara today at my office. The firm hosted a reception for her and invited all staff members to it, serving drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Clara brought her medals with her (one gold and one silver from Torino, Italy) and as she handed them around for us to hold and admire, she admitted to giving them freely and without feelings of possessiveness. The medals belong to all of Canada.

To read more about Clara, go to this website

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