Thursday, May 18, 2006


Canada's federal government narrowly approved our troops spending an extra two years in Afghanistan and that hits home pretty close for me. I have a very good friend who is waiting to be deployed over there in July. Even before I knew him very well, I realized "Joe" was a very serious "weekend warrior" (military slang for a member of the Reserves). He had done a stint in Afganistan a couple of years ago, before things really heated up over there, and was always talking about returning for another tour. Last year, he was called back to full-time service and gave up his regular job to sign on the dotted line. Joe is 28 years old and was still living at home with his parents.

As a former full-time member of the CF, I have an understanding of life in the military that other civilians don't. Despite our age difference and living in different countries, we've kept in touch via email and phone. He often calls me from wherever he's training, just to tell me what's going on and how he's doing. He says I am the only one of his friends who understands what he's talking about and supports him in what he's doing. His parents, who moved here from India when Joe was a small boy, are terrified for him. His friends, all in their late 20s and early 30s, are just starting to get married and planning their young families. They have no idea why he would want to do this. They are afraid Joe might actually die over there.

And he might. We talk about it often. Like Nichola Goddard (the first female combat officer to die while in service) and all of Canada's "strong and free" representing us overseas, Joe believes in the importance of the Canadian mission in Afghanistan. He is cognizant of the risks involved and he wants to participate. He feels that he MUST participate, regardless of what his family and friends may think. The fact that he was not born here is irrelevant. Joe IS Canadian and sometimes, as I dangle his dogtags from my fingertips, I realize that in some ways, he is more Canadian than I am.

God bless them all and keep them safe.

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