Friday, April 28, 2006

I Got The Job!

Just wanted to let you all know that I got the job I was hoping for and I start on Monday May 1st, as predicted. In truth, I only had two interviews. Contrary to what the headhunters told me, the market is kind of sluggish right now for people in my field of expertise (litigation). The job I got was a result of my first interview last Thursday so it only took a week! I am very excited to be going back to work full-time and earning a healthy paycheque. Not sure what will happen at siesta time ... I might have to sleep when I get home after work. I'm sure I'll be so tired the first week. *wink*

Did I mention that they are building a new condo just north of my existing condo? Right now they are in the process of clearing the land and digging a huge hole to support a 32 storey tower. The drilling and crushing of large cement blocks starts around 7AM so no sleeping in for this Goddess! The builidng was shaking the other day but the earth wasn't moving for me. LOL Actually, it's good for me to get back into an "early rise" schedule -- I will need to do so for work and also if I ever plan to get back to my neighbourhood gym.

I've been shopping a lot and finding some amazing deals. A review of my wardrobe indicated a lack of casual business attire necessary for working in an office. I had one pair of black trousers, no closed toes shoes and about four tops. Not even enough to get me through one week! So I've been stocking up on spring clothes. I have a ton of summer clothes and sandals but it won't be hot enough to wear them for another month or more. The weather is coolish (15C) but sunny. I've been wearing my leather jacket and boots! And straightening my hair ...

Once I get the job thing underway, I have to seriously start thinking about my social life and that means (*gasp*) dating. *smile* I've been talking to a few guys for many, many months from a couple of online dating websites. Our "relationships" have been totally over the internet and phone. Should be interesting to finally put faces to the names of these disembodied men. And now that spring is in the air here, I am definitely ready for a little extra-curricular activity with the opposite sex. A little dining, a little dancing, maybe drinks on a patio ... who knows? *wink*

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