Friday, July 07, 2006

A Not So Typical Friday

On the way out of my building this morning, I nearly got into an altercation with a man who wanted to walk in as I was walking out. Previously, he was trying to use the console to get buzzed in but when he saw me, he made a beeline for the door. I assured him that I was NOT going to let him in. He was quite pissed. LOL

Walking down the Esplanade, an older man jogged towards me wearing the usual shorts and tshirt, running shoes and socks. But he was also wearing a headband AND navy blue gloves. What the f*^%?

As I was cutting throught the Market, I noticed a man and woman walking together, obviously shopping for produce. The man was wearing baggy sweat pants and as I passed them, he was scratching his crotch rather vigorously.

Prodeeding down Front Street, I passed a young boy on a scooter, wearing shorts, tshirt, a ballcap and a floor length black cape tied around his neck. Super Scooter?

And finally, as I turned the corner towards BCE Place, I passed an overweight man wearing a Hooters tshirt from North Carolina. It had a HUGE coffee stain on the front of it, right under the "HOOT". That one made me laugh out loud and draw the following conclusion:


Have a nice day ...

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