Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Six Degrees of Separation

My girlfriends always joke that I know everybody. This is patently untrue. How could I know everyone in the whole world? I still haven't met that guy in Outer Mongolia although he has promised we can do lunch the next time he's in Toronto. *grin*

Anyway, another example to support my friends' cockamamy theory happened last week when we were all attending a wine tasting. We met a woman there who asked me where I worked. When I told her the name of the firm, she said:

"Well I know it is a big office so I'm sure you don't know the person there who I know."

I said, "You're probably right. We're on 5 floors and I've only been there two months. So what is your friend's name?"

She: "Diane Smith" (name changed to protect anonomity)

Me: "I sit right beside her!"

And so it goes ... the world is a very, VERY small place. *wink*

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